San Lorenzo Res.
Gimnasia La Plata Res.
On Wednesday evening 29th May, San Lorenzo Res. will go head to head with Gimnasia La Plata Res. for their World UEFA Europa League football match clash.
Our expert tipsters analyze h2h statistics, forms and other match trends to give you the best bets and predictions
San Lorenzo Res. have a good attack as they have score good amount of goals in their last matches, San Lorenzo Res. have an average of 1.2 goals per game in their last five(5) matches
San Lorenzo Res. have a very good defense, having conceded a few amount of goals in their last 5 games they can boast of allowing just 6 goal in those matches. In Total, For the past total of 13 matches played, they have won 3 matches , drawn 6 matches and recorded 4 loses, they have also won 2 home matches and recorded 2 loses in their last 6 matches while at home
Gimnasia La Plata Res. can not boast of being very good offensively, but with their average of 1.0 goals per game in their last 5 matches, their decent attack have recorded 5 goals during that peroid
Defensively, Gimnasia La Plata Res. has been very poor in their last 5 matches that they have conceded 12 with an average of 2.4 per game. Moreover, In last total of 13 matches Gimnasia La Plata Res. have played, they recorded 2 wins, 4 draws and 7 loses, they have also won 2 away matches with 3 loses in the last 6 away matches they played
San Lorenzo Res. have won just one matches, drawn 3 and lost just one matches in the last 5 matches in this competition. In other hand the away team Gimnasia La Plata Res. have recorded wins, drawn 2 and lost 3 matches for their last 5 matches in this competition
San Lorenzo Res. have won 67% of their encounter as they have won more games when these two teams met in the past.
In as much as a Draw can be considered for this match but we are backing San Lorenzo Res. positively to grab the points here. Gimnasia La Plata Res. have 10% to win this match while 45% for San Lorenzo Res. to win and 45% for this match to ends in tie. Furthermore for Poisson distribution San Lorenzo Res. with 66% poisson distribution have more to compare Gimnasia La Plata Res. with 34%. This is one of the reason why we are backing San Lorenzo Res. to win this match